
Urinating and sleeping a lot?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to the bathroom a lot. i just went like 6 times within the past hour and a half. i have no idea why but every time i just have to pee a lot. i also have been very tired after just like 4 hours of being awake and can sleep for hours and hours at a time. ugh why? what would your opinions be that's wrong with me?




  1. Yeah he might be telling the truth.

  2. First guess is diabetes, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  Both are serious and require medical attention.  Both disorders have frequent urination and fatigue as symptoms.

    In the absence of pain, it is unlikely you have an STD, or bladder infection, thought these cannot be ruled out.

    You need medical attention and should make an appointment with your internist to be examined promptly!

  3. diabetes

  4. There could be a few reasons to why this is happening.  It can be diabetes, pregnancy, lack of nutrients in your body, STD, or nothing at all.  If you google your symptoms you can find some ideas about what could be causing this, but it would be best to talk to your doctor.

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