
Urine test after suicide attempt?

by  |  earlier

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What are they testing for? Like what kinda pills I took and how much or other drugs? Just wondering.....




  1. Yes, probably just to check your overall health with blood work and they can see the drugs in your system and if you harmed your kidneys in anyway or liver.

  2. Probably just to check for drugs or other pills and it might also be for pregnancy. If they are going to prescribe something they need to know what's in your system.

    They cannot give the information out to just anyone. You have to sign a waiver to have them send the results anywhere. However, if you are a minor, your parents will be told if they find anything. Mostly it's covered by patient confidentiality. However, if you're worried because of illegal substances, they may have to report it to the police.

  3. yes they test it to see if u have any other drugs in your system and to make sure you told them the truth about what you took and to see the percentage of how much is in your system because it determines the treatment, they also can tell how ur liver is to make sure it is still working properly after having idk im assuming a large amount of pills go through your system...

    and im pretty sure drug use is confidential but if u tried to kill ur self and they know they do have the right to send you to a psych ward and get evaluated or checked in for at least 72 hrs (3days)

  4. Any foreign substances - drugs, alcohol

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