
Uruguay, South America...??

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one paragraph on why it is a good place to live.

one paragraph on why it is not a good place to live.





  1. It really depends which place you want to live. I would recomend: Uruguay, Chile, Argentina and south Brazil, because there are developed cities, who are similar to Europe. But every country has problems, I don't know where you live, but maybe you will find hard to adapt, it's a different culture, especially learning spanish and portuguese, these are not easy languages

  2. Paraguay, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Ecuador  are not recommendable, they are a typical countrys of the third world countrys and will be you dífficult to be accustomed to the poverty, the inefficiency, the injustice and crime.

    The Latin-American countries where the is life more seemed to a country developed is (they are orderly by order of development according to the UN) Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Costa Rica.

    Argentina and Uruguay they have a good system of public health to which any person of the world with residence in the country or cannot, surgeries that in US can cost thousands of dollars in these countries cost are free, and public education is very good too. Are also places where the security is very good even in the large cities, these they are as dangerous as any great city of US or less.

    Also thanks to the European immigration Argentina and Uruguay will be a country where you will feel commode with the culture (The 80% of the population are descendants of Europeans) and they are very cheep for a turist from US or Europe.

    Argentina is a open country to the immigration, for which to obtain the legal residence will be very easy

  3. Like SeijiSan...said.. home is where the heart is......

    and by the way   resbeverlyf... the US is full of all what you mentioned too!!start reading the paper and educate your self a little bit more..!

    Here in Italy we have many problems as well..

    good luck!

  4. In general terms Uruguayans as most South Americans are very affectionate and expressive, passionate about their culture, foods, soccer, etc. They seem to be content with their lot in life.

    Even though having so many social problems (mostly for the poor) such as; economical inequity, corruption, vandalism & violence, sanitation & health challenges, unemployment, just to mention a few.

    But regardless, in a much broarder term; home is where your heart is. Whatever your heart loves the most.

  5. Latin America is not a place to live:

    there is no justice, no equal society, crime, violence, no reward for efficent employee.

    I do not want to live in latin america.

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