our u;s district court of said washington county province of new found land asia arkansas zip;72703.i modsiw dlorah<>harold wisdom enter into an solo&or partnership as this ships former science officer.since my pelznickel,blellsnickel trundel kringle chris or brianclaus,clause,jar din jar ol nicholas tinsel anheuser charming ra du=duke=king=pharoh tut aknoman uncommon salvage rites unto these buried craft&space equiptment.this could be entered on my part by the cout appointed pro bono public defense attorney for wasington co,court system.sence my memory and wealth hath not yet been re obtained.this also pays for royal & u:s special forces to enter this several hundered miles wide craft and kill or detain any would be hostiles on board.making it safe for computar specialist too enter and retreiver needed info, from it's com links.the remainder is un covering her and repairing her unto flight bak too duty status.even if we must usae steel as the replacement.