
Usa Rugby?

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What is the matter with Rugby in the USA? I mean basically every other country has adopted it.. But it seems to be going nowhere.

Can anyone expand on this as to why?




  1. Cai is absolutely correct. I hate that america hasn't come to realize how amazing rugby is. Its an awesome sport. Way better than football. If people actually saw how it was played they'd instantly want to know more about it. Just give it time and it'll get popular. I'm gonna try out for a college team in the US in a couple years so its gonna keep getting more popular.

  2. Cai has a great response. Well done.  

    As the game grows at the youth level it will grow nationally.  I feel that once people learn how inexpensive of a game it is cost wise it will start to grow at the high school level.

  3. I'm from South Africa, and from my prospective it would be easy to say the U.S.A. dont want to face other countries in sport....i think they are currently working on it....if you saw the U.S. side play in the world cup you would see how good they actually are...give it time and soon they will be one of the leading rugby they are in every other field in life...

  4. Cai,

    What a great answer.

  5. I think it's cos US likes sports only they play so they can be world champions.Honest competition on a level  playing field scares them.

  6. This is because it was never adopted as the national, homeland AMERICAN past-time. Here, most people are very in tune with football and baseball, but the vast majority of people are very unfamiliar with rugby, some thinking it's played with sticks,  is basically soccer or just have no clue as to what an amazing sport it is.It is hard for anyone to change and for such die-hard sport fans, loyal to their teams, adopting and learning a rather complicated new sport (at first, it can be difficult to follow) is not appealing. But there IS hope!!! Some colleges are adopting rugby as a varsity sport! This means funding and school recognition! Other colleges are paving their own way and making it popular in their area just by winning games and getting the word out. It's also much more prevelant in high schools than it had been. I don't think you will be seeing a high popularity with rugby in the states in the next few years, but perhaps in the future......maybe, if we're lucky...its popularity and its familiarity in the USA will be much higher and on the ranks with football and baseball! :)
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