
Usa citizen privacy?...(1st?) ammendment violation?

by  |  earlier

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is it true that the gov or cia is like looking at what were doing..tracking us...internet, phone, wherever we go, whenever?...can anybody go somewhere to get all your 'dirty little secrets'?...




  1. No first amendment violation at all.  If you want it to stay a secret, don't say it or write it or let anybody know it.

  2. Yes I know everything about you.

    And what you do with your finger is sick.

    Leave that dog alone.

  3. Its not the CIA but the FBI that does that. They can do because of the patriot act but can only do something to you if you are a threat to national security. Anything else you do is none of their business. Plus idk if I would consider that a violation if the 1st Amendment.

  4. Many of your " dirty little secrets" are available on the internet and in public records. Credit bureaus gather so much info about us it is scary.

    Actually, the government does not gather very much info about citizens unless there is suspicion that a citizen is involved in something not Kosher.

    Most info about us is gathered by the private sector.

    There is no such thing as privacy any longer.

  5. Yes they are. The 4th amendment no longer exists.  

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