
Usage of the Star & Crescent moon (On flags & Masjids)?

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Where in the Quran does it tell you that it's alright to make images of the Star and Crescent moon, or to place them ontop of Mosques?

Is this Islamic at all? What's the reason behind putting it on flags, instead of putting LaIllahaIlAllahMuhammadAlRasoolAllah, in the Arabic text?

I'm asking because I want to know where in the Quran does it tell us to use this symbol to signify our alliegience to Islam, and Where does it tell us that we're allowed to place them as DECORATIONS on Masjids?

I feel that this is an innovation, and is a practice that should be stopped.

Correct me if I'm wrong, and please explain the REASON why people feel they must put the star and crescent moon on their FLAGS and ontop of their MASJIDS, instead of the name of Allah in Arabic or LaillahaillAllah instead.




  1. The usage of the moon and star is an ancient pagan tradition adopted by the turks who later used it to represent islam. After that it became a huge trend for muslim nations to put a star and moon on the flag. It does not say anywhere in Islam to use these symbols, but today its often associated with islam.

    Sis.. there is no specific hadith or verse that i know of that mentions these symbols to be allowed on top of mosques. I dont know why ppl do this. IT IS THE MAJOR REASON WHY NON MUSLIMS KEEP CALLING US MOON WORSHIPPERS!!!!

  2. What an absurd thing to say 'Where in the Qur'an does it tell you that it's alright' ....

    Firstly, you've got to understand, the principle basis for anything being Hara'am or Halal is not just Qu'ran, but also Hadith and deduction of the Fuqahaa (Jurists). A lot of Muslims have this ludicrous mentality, if something that is sort to be forbidden, if not mentioned in the Qur'an, then they will pay no heed to the (Shariah) ruling. Or if something that Muslims are engaging in, if not mentioned in the Qur'an, then they will declare this as Har'am/Bid'ah or just disregard it.

    There are a lot of things for us Muslims that are strictly prohibited, which are not necessarily mentioned in the Qur'an. Then, there are things that are permissible for us Muslims, that are not mentioned in the Qur'an.

    EDIT: Sorry, google was down. I was about to give you a thorough answer to your actual question. But explorer just wouldn't load up.

    This first webpage will tell you the origins of the Star and Crescent

    This webpage will give you an Islamic insight of the Star and Crescent

  3. You are right.

    the moon and star have no relation with islam or distant relation with teachings of Quran or hadeethes.

    This symbol used by Ottoman empire as their symbol.and Muslims started to use this, many such things started by kings became part of muslim tradition.

    and many believe these something to do with islam

    Using 786 and cresent and star etc are BIDAA"

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