Where in the Quran does it tell you that it's alright to make images of the Star and Crescent moon, or to place them ontop of Mosques?
Is this Islamic at all? What's the reason behind putting it on flags, instead of putting LaIllahaIlAllahMuhammadAlRasoolAllah, in the Arabic text?
I'm asking because I want to know where in the Quran does it tell us to use this symbol to signify our alliegience to Islam, and Where does it tell us that we're allowed to place them as DECORATIONS on Masjids?
I feel that this is an innovation, and is a practice that should be stopped.
Correct me if I'm wrong, and please explain the REASON why people feel they must put the star and crescent moon on their FLAGS and ontop of their MASJIDS, instead of the name of Allah in Arabic or LaillahaillAllah instead.