
Usain Bolt, why people hate when he shows off?

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I have met many people who said they don't like how Bolt showed in the 100m final, and think it's bad for the profession (the bragging part!).

I consider this as an entertainment. People paid a lot of $$$$ in the bird's nest to watch historic moment, and Beijing and Bolt will be synonyms, so as Phelps and other memorable moments.

If someone wins GOLD and sets a new WORLD RECORD, they can celebrate whatever way they want, as long as they don't violate any rules.

any thoughts?




  1. i personally love it... i don't think he's bragging so much as having a good time which the olympics is all about... ya everyone wants to win, but when you lose to a guy who can beat you without going full out, i think you should be down right amazed and proud for them

  2. Usain can celebrate however he wants. Is there a set code that says they must tap each other on their backsides? That's the American way. Most Jamaican men dont tap other men or are into hugging and all that. Homophobia is big in JA!!!. Americans are not winning the races and they  have nothing else to do but bash other competitors. The youths of Jamaica will look at Usain as a hero and try to follow what he has done in Beijing.

    Lets face it people. In sports no one will dominate an event for ever. Give another country a chance and stop the bashing. Usian all the way. Its is time so let him shine. Let Jamaica shine

  3. hmm

    \because dear he is black and from  the caribbean

    not to mention jealously from the bigger nations

      just my opinion

    caribbean people are fun people we love celebrating

    we love dancing it just a west indian thing to celebrate

    well done bolt

    and  i am not even  a  j'can

  4. Of course you CAN celebrate any way you want, but that doesn't mean it's wise or respectable to do it that way.

    Athletes send a message through how they celebrate victories, whether they intend to or not.  And the message he sent would be regarded by many as arrogant and disrespectful to his competition.  In general, most people would have no problem with an athlete expressing joy in his/her victory, but not to put down other athletes in the process.

    Personally, I am in awe of Bolt's performance - it was amazing!  I don't hate him for celebrating like he did.  But I think it was immature and foolish to act that way.  His time in the 100m would have been even better if he just waited two more seconds before he started celebrating.  Couldn't he wait that long?  What if that cost him the World Record to start celebrating too soon?  To me, that wasn't smart, nor a good example for our children.

    *Comments on other answers*

    This question was about Bolt, no one else, so it's not the place to compare his behavior to what other athletes do or have done.  That's a completely different question from this one.

    And no, disapproval of his behavior is not limited to Americans who were upset their man didn't win.  I'm sure most people - like myself - simply never saw someone celebrate like this *before* finishing a sprint, and didn't understand it.  I'm sure many people misinterpreted his actions as a result, and they didn't have a Jamacian perspective.  So please give these people some slack.

  5. Because Americans hate loosing  

  6. Britt you should investigate before you talk about Jamaican athletes it makes you look dumb making statement about Usain training in USA when everyone knows he is trained in Jamaica by a Jamaican coach. Oh and athletes know each other not only because they compete during the NCAA but there is also something called the Penn Relays in which high School students both in the US and Caribbean compete against each other they might meet there, or better less at a European meets.

  7. When Michael Green and company stuck their tongues out when they won at the olympics and Justin Gatlin and his team mate jogged across the finish line chatting to each other it wasn't considered disrespectful or unsportman like. Thing is i hated them doing it, we in Jamaica felt really bad those times. now the Caribbean is on top we have our say now so we know it hurts you all maybe more than it hurt us then. We took consulation by saying those guys were on drugs (and this has been proven in the most part). Thing is you all cant say that about us. We've been tested more than anyone else..its just raw talent honed from prep schools across the island.

    Bolt will be beating his chest for a long time and when Bolts time is come there are many in prep school now who will take over. sorry USA but this chest beating thing is not disrespect..its jubilation, joy, elation, achievement. 'JAMAICA to di worl'

  8. Haha, maybe he's been watching how the North American footballers roll!!

    I have no problem with it, like I said, it's just like football

    TEAM USA!!!

  9. I didn't hate him, and I don't think the other athletes did either.  He's flamboyant.  That's good for sport.

    How can you hate a guy that blew away, and I mean blew away, his competition and the WR, while he was half-stepping at the end?  (Maybe I should've asked that question)

  10. hes a d**n fool. i hope hes crippled  

  11. to the douchebag who said because Americans hate losing, keep in mind Usain trains in the States, or did you forget that?  almost every Jamaican runner is either at Florida State, Texas A&M or LSU and their medals IMHO should half go to the US, as they are living here, and training here at the time they're doing their racing.  Why do you think the American and Jamaican sprinters are friends? Because this isn't the first time they've raced one another...they race in NCAA Track all the time.  

  12. Their just hating, because he's so good at what he does on the field. Their in a state of shock and their just going to find something bad about Bolt. The man is having fun as a young athlete and making track and field more exciting to watch.

  13. Bolt didn't violate any rules except for the spirit of good sportsmanship. His behavior before crossing the finish line in the 100 meters was arrogant and disrespectful to his competitors.

    However, this is a sport that has given the athletes great latitude in this arena and until the IOC and/or IAAF sees this as an issue it will continue.

    In general, people do not care for arrogant and/or disrespectful actions.

    I hope this helps.


  14. If he is facing the best in the world and blows them away like he did, he can celebrate any way he wants to.  

  15. geez, all he did was some poses, not like hes pointing fingers at losers and talking trash to them, hes just celebrating, you would be just as excited if you were the one crossing that line.

  16. I don't. I like Usain's ********* (or spunk). Only Americans nitpick something like that.

  17. Good question.  As reggae mentioned earlier, there have been a lot of other examples in the past where things like this have happened but people didn't seem to be too upset.  I remember also Maurice Green I think it was running a heat and then taking his shoes off and having someone spray them with a fire extinguisher.  You also see people in distance races like the marathon or the triathalon run over to the  stands before they are finished and start high-fiving people and grabbing their flag to finish the race with.  

    Ideally, there should be no in-race antics, and some of the post race things like the fire extinguisher thing are uncalled for.  But, you are right, we shouldn't complain about Bolt if we choose to overlook the other celebrations.

  18. All who said that bout usain bolt can go suckkkkkkk unno mumma bloodclat jamaica to di world. All u bloodclat pussyholes do is hate on other countries when them achieve **** good job usain lightning bolt

  19. I am a fan of the NFL and I enjoy it being brought to the Olympics. It's fun to watch kick-off returners walk into the end zone after a 95 yard run and then jump into the stands and now we are seeing this mentality in the Olympics.

  20. Because it's disrespectful and rude to the other athletes. It was clear he was obviously going to win but he doesn't need to rub it into the other athletes face that he basically owned all of them. If he wouldn't have eased up the last twenty then his celebration would have been fine..but it's the fact that he did it and it's just plain rude! And plus if he wouldn't have easied up then he probably would have ran 9.59.

  21. Some people consider what he did to be disrespectful to the other athletes.

  22. Totally agree with you. I'm American but I feel he did a freaking amazing job and deserves the right to celebrate - perhaps a few Americans are just a little jealous that an American didn't win and are therefore being sore losers. I think we should respect his decision as he is the winner, and we make ourselves look petty when we nitpick an amazing performance as that. With his win in the 200 (where he DID run hard all the way) I think he has silenced all the critics. I personally feel that towards the end of the 100 he was just so overwhelmed with the experience, maybe he was even saving his energy for the 200, so in my opinion his show-boating wasn't exactly intentional. Whatever - he is a phenomenal athlete and at the top of his game, and his achievement was really huge for Jamaica. I have to admit I would be showing off a LOT more if I was in his position.  

  23. AMERICANS HATE TO LOOSE....well said Olympic  LMAO

    If i won that race i would make myself a cup of coffee  then walk over the finish line and watch the

    celebrate USAIN   YOU RULE!!!!!!!!

  24. I don't hate him.


  26. I don't see where he celebrated anymore than any one player on the 1980 US olympic hockey team.

    Was that OK?

    There's no athlete out there any more arrogant and full of themselves then Phelps

  27. idk he does not taunt the other athletes so i'm fine with it

  28. I agree.

    A lot of athletes like to showboat, and it always draws 2 things. Publicity and some hatred.

    Personally I've never been one to mind showboating, as I find plenty of it hilarious.

    But when someone is rooting for a different player, and their player gets destroyed by someone who then dances, I guess it could leave a sour taste in someone's mouth.

    Hating stuff is in human nature, though, so best not to worry about it I suppose.

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