
Usain Bolt the "Greatest Olympian Ever"?

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Who's Michael Phelps? Haven't heard of him.




  1. It is too difficult to classify someone as the "greatest olympian" when each sport is completely different.  Is he the Greatest Olympian in track?  Sure!

    Tin Tin, Don't post responses on questions about Phelps if you don't know who he is!  -You are such a liar!

  2. Michael Phelps!

  3. He's great but I don't think he's the greatest...

  4. just to answer your question about who michael phelps is, just google most gold medals in olympic history, and his name should pop up. hope that helps.

  5. I think Bolt and Phelps are on the same page. Listed next to eachother. Additionally, I think Bolts victory dance and performance was 100% authentic. He wasn't being an ******. He was just extremely excited to win and that was the way his personality expressed it (I think it was actually kind of funny, like when my little nephew beats me at a video game and does a little dance because he's so excited to have won, not to have beaten me). It's not like he was saying "I'm going to Smash everyone out there" Like the French Swimmers said about America. The only thing Bolt should be criticized for is only shattering the record and not completely annihilating it (he slowed down). I don't think he should have looked back for a second. He should have beat the record by even more than what he did. I don't think either of them are the greatest Olympian ever though........yet.

  6. They're both phenomenal athletes.. But I can see where you're coming from. Michael Phelps wins a record of 11 gold medals and pretty much breaks every olympic and world record while doing so.. And then Usain comes along, wins some races (in record time), wins a couple gold medals and is deemed the Greatest Olympian. It doesn't make much sense to me either... But I don't know. It's not really our choice in the matter.

  7. I like Usain Bolt is is so funny.

    Michael Phelps is an 8 time gold medalist in swimming (That(8 medals) is the highest in one olympics and he accomplished that this olympics)  


  9. Honestly its too soon to call him that. Wait til he dominates the 200m first. And I don't know who's this Phelps person these americans are speaking of either

  10. He is pretty amazing. But I don't think he is the 'Greatest Olympian Ever' and neither is Michael Phelps.

  11. I don't think neither phelps or bolt are the greatest olympian ever.  Its too early in their career to give them that much credit.  Maybe after 2 or 3 olympics.

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