
( Use Local anesthetic or laughing gas)i am having oral surgery to expose a tooth that is stuck in my gums?

by  |  earlier

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i have had this surgery before and i used sedation due to the magnitude and seriousness of the operation. I am sort of doing the same thing except a lot less serious. the oral surgeoun gave me the option of local anesthetic or laughing gas. I have never used laughing gas so can i please have some peoples experience using laughing gas and their opinion on wether i should use local anesthetic or laughing gas thank you....( i want the least amout of pain and anguish) ($%^)




  1. Go under the gas.  It's easier to fall asleep and wake up than deal with the memory.

  2. I would ask for both. Laughing gas will not deaden the pain at all it just helps you relax. You want to be numb and even though the shots are not fun you will have no pain.  Both of my children had this procedure done on them and both were numbed.

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