
Use a registy cleaner or leave the registry alone!!!?

by  |  earlier

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some people say use registry mechanic and some say to leave it alone and do not touch it ever.

i'm confused

which one?





  1. The registry is a very important component in your computer, and good registry cleaner would definitely be useful.

    However, before you use a registry cleaner, it's crucial to back up your computer data first. The people who told you not to use it at all have probably lost their important files that's why.

    You can check out the following link for reviews on some recommended registry cleaners:

  2. i use registry mechanic..

    iam a microsoft certified engineer.

    i run my own IT company and i trust it.

    because your windows registry gets clogged up over time you really need to clean it out to give your pc a performance boost.

    here is a site that has reviews and links to the best registry cleaners.

    this is the registry cleaners page

    i understand lily graces ( above ) concernes but regisrty mechanic is easy to use and will not do you any harm it will only clean out what is corrupt or no longer needed.

    this is why it is the best selling registry cleaner

  3. Go ahead, but make sure your registry is backed up and you know how to recover an old registry.

    In fact you should have your hard-drive  backed up as an image with a recovery CD.

  4. It's just like so many other things in life:

    If you know what the registry is and does, then it's okay to tinker with it.  If you don't know what it is or does, then don't mess with it.

    If you decide to tinker with it, make a backup first.  If you don't know how to back it up, maybe you shouldn't tinker with it.

    Make sense?

  5. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

    If you know your having registry issues and you know you need to do something I would recommend CCleaner, it's free, very powerful, and I have used it for years with no problem. You can get it from

    If you just want to clean your registry, and don't have problems don't do anything.

  6. Do NOT use a registry program. All that will do is cause you to delete something you NEED and then you won't know how to get it back.

    Hey Norman (below me) Check out all the questions on comps people are asking-----there are TONS of people out there that s***w up the registry and then ask for help getting the stuff back. They delete things they know NOTHING about!!!! When someone has to ask if they need to go messing around in the registry, chances are they know zilch about comps and they get themselves in trouble. So, I stick by my answer 100% of leaving it alone. YOU know comps so it's easy for you to tell someone to use one. I would say that 80 to 90% of the folks asking about registry cleaners only know how to turn a comp on and then they are lost when they start messing around where they shouldn't because 1 person told them to.

  7. if you're not sure what you're doing, leave it alone, these things have a way of escalating into massive problems!

  8. Use the tool:

  9. use ccleaner, its much safer and you can analyze before you delete so you know what you're going to be removing

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