
Use exactly 5 sixes to come up with the numbers 1 through 36?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, I am having MAJOR issues trying to come up with these answers. Here are the directions:

Use exactly 5 sixes in an equation to come up with the numbers 1 through 36. No using other numbers (including zero and one) and no rounding. Your equations must follow the order of operation rules. As well as operation signs (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), you may use parentheses, exponents, decimals, and factorials.

--- I already have solutions for the numbers 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 18, 19, and 30. I just need five more solutions for different numbers. Please help!




  1. Do you go to Mr.Barry's class for Honors geometry in Coffman?

  2. (6-6)/(6) +(6/6) = 1

    (6 + 6 + 6 + 6)/6 = 4

    6 + (6/6) + (6/6) = 8

    (66/6) - (6/6) = 10

    (66/6)x(6/6) = 11

    {[6/(6+6)]x6}! + 6 = 12

    (66-6)/6 + 6 = 16

    (6 + 6 + 6) - (6/6)  = 17

    (6!)/(6*6) *(6/6) = 20

    (6!/(6x6)) + 6 + 6 = 32

    (6!/(6+6+6)) - 6 = 34

    [(6-6)/6]+(6x6) = 36

    6 Is a bad number.

  3. 4 = 6 - (6/6) - (6/6)

    .. . .

    5 = 6 - (66/66) = 6 - (6/6)*(6/6)

    8 = 6 + (6/6) + (6/6)

    .. . .

    10 = (66/6) - (6/6)

    .. . .

    11 = (66/6) *(6/6)

    .. . .

    12 = (66/6) + (6/6)

    20 = (6!)/(6*6) *(6/6)

    .. . .. .

    32 = (6!/(6*6)) + 6 + 6

    34 = (6!/(6+6+6)) - 6

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