
Use of death famous ppl in a book?

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I know i already posted this question, but is very important for me to know if i can use death famous people name. I want them to speak a little.

When i said famous i mean actors, rich business man, etc.






  1. Putting famous dead people in books is definitely cool. Historical fiction authors do it all the time. It probably just wouldn't be a good idea to say anything outrageous or extremely nasty, just in case their family is still around . . .

  2. Authors frequently use famous historical figures in works of fiction. Teddy Roosevelt has a prominent supporting role in Caleb Carr's "The Alienist" and "The Angel of Death'; Sigmund Freud helps Sherlock Holmes detox in "The Seven Percent Solution" and E.L. Doctorow made reference to several real-life characters in "Ragtime".

    It is a technique that requires dedicated research, however, so that your portrayal of the historic characters does not conflict with accounts that were written when these people were alive.

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