
Use of ethanol in india?

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  1. ethanol production is incresing in india... also as a by-product from ruun-off from distilleries.*

  2. It is immoral to use food as a fuel and to pollute the earth while making it. No matter where it is done. Ethanol shows the environmental crazy crowd for what they really are: Phony.

  3. India imports nearly 70% of its annual crude petroleum requirement, which is appox. 110 million tons. The prices are in the range of US$ 50-70 per barrel, and the expenditure on crude purchase is in the range of Rs.1600 billion per year, impacting in a big way, the country's foreign exchange reserves.( Oil Prices touched a record high of $76 per barrel )

    The petroleum industry now looks very committed to the use of ethanol as fuel, as it is expected to benefit sugarcane farmers as well as the oil industry in the long run. Ethanol (FUEL ETHANOL) can also be produced from wheat, corn, beet, sweet sorghum etc. Ethanol is one of the best tools to fight vehicular pollution, contains 35% oxygen that helps complete combustion of fuel and thus reduces harmful tailpipe emissions. It also reduces particulate emissions that pose a health hazard.

    Ethanol is used as an automotive fuel by itself and can be mixed with gasoline to form what has been called "gasohol" FUEL ETHANOL- the most common blends contain 10% ethanol and 85% ethanol mixed with gasoline. Over 1 billion gallons of ethanol are blended with gasoline every year in the United States. Because the ethanol molecule contains oxygen, it allows the engine to more completely combust the fuel, resulting in fewer emissions. Since ethanol is produced from plants that harness the power of the sun, ethanol is also considered a renewable fuel. Therefore, ethanol has many advantages as an automotive fuel.

    Most industrial ethanol is denatured to prevent its use as a beverage. Denatured ethanol contains small amounts, 1 or 2 percent each, of several different unpleasant or poisonous substances. The removal of all these substances would involve a series of treatments more expensive than the federal excise tax on alcoholic beverages (currently about $20 per gallon). These denaturants render ethanol unfit for some industrial uses. In such industries undenatured ethanol is used under close federal supervision.

    The vehicle population continues to increase exponentially and by the year 2010 about 1.1 billion cars are expected to be in use in the world. Unregulated Carbondioxide emissions, a prominent green house gas, will increase by 65% over the current levels due to large scale use of fossil fuels. To bring down drastically carbon emissions and sustain them over a period of time require a change in the concepts of production and use of transportation vehicles. Tremendous advances have been made in the development of power trains of modern cars which consumes half to one third the amount of fuel producing 90% less tail pipe emissions compared to automobiles in use two decades ago. However there is an urgent need to address the problems of depleting fossil fuel sources and increased green house gas emissions. Attempts are being made at international level to address these issues and among other possible solutions, the use of Biomass Ethanol needs special attention especially for a tropical and agriculture based country like India. Its use as a transportation fuel has been widespread in Brazil and it is becoming popular in USA. Ethanol can be derived from different sources of biomass such as sugar cane molasses, beats, corn, sorghum, potatoes and others. The effective use of Ethanol either as a neat fuel or as a mixture with gasoline has been proved to be technically feasible and environmentally acceptable for quite sometime. Some of the issues involved and strategies to be developed for the effective utilization of Ethanol as a fuel in the transportation sector in India with special reference to the desirability of developing Flexible Fuel Vehicles as a long term objective for controlling environmental degradation due to tail pipe emissions are presented and discussed. Short-term measure will include early introduction of Gasohol (90% Gasoline + 10% Ethanol) as a motor fuel for eliminating TEL and reducing aromatics in petrol.

    It has been established that the use of Ethanol as a Fuel in Transportation Sector reduces both Green House emissions (CO2) and fossil energy use. This is due to the fact that the ethanol feed stock, in our case Sugar Cane, absorbs Carbondioxide emitted by automobiles. Conventional regulated emissions such as CO, HC and NOx have been found to be well below prescribed levels. The Technology for adopting Ethanol as a renewable fuel in the transportation sector is readily available and can be quickly put into practice as all the leading FFV manufacturers have opened manufacturing facilities in India. To start with we can utilize straightaway E 10 fuel ( 10% Ethanol + 90% Gasoline) dispensing the use of TEL and aromatic compounds for maintaining acceptable octane number levels. No major engine modifications are necessary for this change. The Government, the Automobile Industry, the Sugar Industry, the Ethanol Distillery Industry and the Oil Companies should jointly evolve a strategic plan to launch a viable Ethanol fuel program in India in a phased and sustainable manner so as to keep the regulated emission under control and to minimize the green house gas emissions. The Government and the Industries should encourage technical institutions to participate in joint R&D Programs such as the Ethanol Vehicle Challenge in USA to generate new ideas and to design systems suitable to Indian conditions. In the long run develop a suitable FFV program for utilizing larger percentages of Ethanol in the mixture as it will take a considerable time and effort for establishing a reliable distribution network for Ethanol in India such as the one available in Brazil. The formation of Ethanol Coalition in India will go a long way in bringing together people and enterprises that are interested in implementing a viable program of using a renewable fuel for the transportation sector in India. The possibility of using Ethanol in a dual fuel mode or in conjunction with additives as a mixture of Diesel and Ethanol in Diesel Engines should be explored. However the success of such alternative fuel program in India will depend on our ability to develop mechanisms which will ensure uninterrupted supply of this renewable fuel

  4. India is initiating the use of ethanol as an automotive fuel. A move has been made by distilleries in India to use surplus alcohol as a blending agent or an oxygenate in gasoline. Based on experiments by the Indian Institute of Petroleum, a 10 percent ethanol blend with gasoline and a 15 percent ethanol blend with diesel are being considered for use in vehicles in at least one state.

    The petroleum industry now looks very committed to the use of ethanol as fuel, as it is expected to benefit sugarcane farmers as well as the oil industry in the long run.

    Ethanol (FUEL ETHANOL) can also be produced from wheat, corn, beet, sweet sorghum etc.

    Ethanol is one of the best tools to fight vehicular pollution, contains 35% oxygen that helps complete combustion of fuel and thus reduces harmful tailpipe emissions. It also reduces particulate emissions that pose a health hazard.

    The effective use of Ethanol either as a neat fuel or as a mixture with gasoline has been proved to be technically feasible and environmentally acceptable for quite sometime.

  5. ethanol is used with petrol in india but in india the level of ethanol in patrol is very brazil they use 70 to 80% ethanol with patrol.many cars in brazil run on ethanol.ethanol is less polluted fuel than patrol.

  6. now Indian government given permission to add 10% ethanol in petrol so reduce pollution , India is also producer of sugar byproduct of these sugar factory is ethanol .

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