
Use the same iTunes library for all users on Pc running Windows XP?

by  |  earlier

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I have all my music on my account on this computer. How can other users access the same library from their accounts ?




  1. I am guessing you want other people from other computers to be able to access the music ? or other users on the same PC to access the music ?

    There is a couple of different ways to do this. If you have the music on the PC and you want other users on the PC to use. More than likely you have your music saved some where in My documents ? Move the music folder from where you have it to C:\Documents and settings\ All Users ( then where ever you want from there)

    Now all users will have access.

    If you want users to access the folder from other computers. read the following link for how to share a folder. There are multiply was of doing this.

    I hope this help. If you need a better answer it helps if you give us more information. what is the location of the music now and what exactly you are trying to do. Share with other users on same PC or share with other users on different PC's as in over a network.

  2. There's no simple way, for examle, you could put your iTunes playlist (go to My Music > iTunes) into everyone's iTunes folder, however when you update your playlist you'll have to copy and paste again.

  3. Move your itunes music folder to a location accessible by all your users. Launch itunes when logged in as each user (or have them log in)

    Click Edit, then Preferences.

    Click on the Advanced tab

    Click the Change button and browse to the new location of your tunes.

    Click OK

    You're all set.

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