
Used Ground Coffee Beans as Fertilizer?

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I don't get it.

Can someone please explain how coffee can be used as a fertilizer?

What does coffee have that makes plants grow?




  1. Coffee grounds add to the tilth of the soil.  They do not change the acidity.  They have no minerals.  They make the earthworms very happy when you work them in to the garden.  If you have a cat problem, leave them on top of the soil and keep them moist and they will help to deter the cats.

    They do not act as a fertilizer.  They do not make plants grow.

  2. coffee grounds (not the beans) are a good source of nitrogen and acid loving plants do respond to that form of nutrient

  3. It's good for acid loving plants like roses and azalea.

  4. You might find this surprising- But a lot of plants love caffeine! Also, the grounds are organic matter so they will eventually compost.

  5. Coffee grounds contain minerals that are beneficial to plants, they help loosen soil and attract earthworms.  The downside is they are a bit acid.

  6. Used coffee grounds have an acid that most evergreens need. I use them around azaleas & rhododendrons & theylove it .

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