
Used Lederhosen(tracht) shop in Munich or nearby?

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Looking for a shop that sells used(maybe new too?) 'Tracht' lederhosen in the Munich area. Used to be a great little shop on Müller Strasse in München. But, on my last visit the shop was no longer there. Answers can be in German - I can read German much better than I can write it.




  1. I found a website for you where second hand stores for Trachten were tested. They also give you the names and addresses of the stores:

    Hope this helps:))

  2. i'm not sure about lederhosen, but i think there's a shop with traditional "trachten" somewhere in the Tal, in Munich (it's a street near the center)

  3. Go to Hirmer downtown Munich. Lederhosen are very expensive and I doubt you can buy them used, unless you look in the German newspaper. Look for shops that say "Trachtenmoden". Maybe you should try and go to Beck, that's another clothing Company and it is downtown where the  Rathaus is. Walk toward Viktualien Markt and you can find small shops who might carry them.

  4. Ich bin Deutscher und habe keine Ahnug, habe noch nie eine Lederhose besessen, auch keine Kuckucksuhr. Aber so gings mir auch in den USA. Niemand rannte in Westernkleidung rum und erschoss zum Frühstück einen Indianer. Du wirst sehen Amerikaner und Deutsche sind sich ähnlicher als beide wahr haben wollen.

    Try it in English:

    I am aGerman und I really don't know. I have had never a Lederhose and a cookcook-clock,too. But the same to me, when I visited the USA.There was no one, who wears Western clothes and shot Indians for breakfast. You will see, Americans and German are more simular, than both want to have it true. Sorry for my bad English

  5. I dont think they have Lederhosen in Munich. I think it is more of a German tradition and the swiss wouldnt know much about it. Try a german city such as Berlin.

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