
Used bird cage I need help!!!?

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I bought this bird cage from a goodwill store (thrift store) the cage was originally white but for some awkward reason it is yellow and some areas are still white. Did the previous owner use a improper Chemical on the cage to lead it to this colour the yellow is on the tray and the base of the cage. My mom told me they probably used bleach and the colour change happened due to that? And will this color harm my bird? And plz If im suppose to clean the cage plz dont suggest diluted bleach its way to risky and please help.




  1. It could be just rust. I have a white bird cage that I got from a friend. It was yellow on some spots, and then it started to rust. I really don't suggest using this bird cage. You don't know what kind of birds were in it before, and you dont know if those birds had diseases or not. For now, just use regular dish soap and water. Just squeeze some soap over the cage and then spray it down with a hose. But yeah, i really suggest getting a new cage over a used cage.

  2. Make sure you thoroughly disinfect it with dawn or GSE, also check for any flaking paint or rust.

    Make sure you rinse it good and leave it out to dry in the sun.

    You might also want to send a paint sample from it to a lab to be tested for lead or other heavy medals that can kill your bird.

    I personally dont like buying used cages because you dont know what happened to the bird living in it.

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