
Used clarifier and super shock and pool is still cloudy....What now?

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When we opened the pool, the water was crystal clear. The next day, we had a huge downpour of rain and now the pool is cloudy. I've read that rain does not cause pools to become cloudy, but that seems to be what happened. We tried clarifiers and super shock and there is absolutely no difference in the water. I would describe it as milky. We're having a huge BBQ in two weeks and need the pool to be in tip top shape. HELP!!!!!!!!!!




  1. bring a sample of your water in to your local pool store.  They'll test it on the spot and tell you exactly what is going on and what you need to put in your pool to make it beautiful again.  Ask about converting to a saltwater pool.  All the beautiful pools you see on tv are saltwater.  It's a lot less maintenance and a lot less expensive.  Good luck

  2. Sounds like you have all the bases covered. I would take a water sample to your local pool store and have them analyze it. Clean the filter and run it for 24 hours. The rain does have a tendency to reduce the chlorine content.

  3. seems a proper sand filter would remove it........tom

  4. Your cloudy water is caused from poor filtration, inadequate circulation, water balance, low sanitizer levels, and/or lack of routine oxidation.  You should invest in a cleaner for your filter, a balancer to reduce the pH, and some sort of oxidizer.  Good luck.

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