
Used surfboard rode by pro surfer....good deal? or not.....?

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I have a friend who surfs alot and is selling a practically new short board. It is a Dakine case included for 355. It was Ben Bougious (pro surfer) that he rode twice, and my friend only rode it three its basically new.....its 5'11"

soo good deal? or not worth it.

here are pics of it




  1. Sounds like the car I nearly bought, owned and driven by an old 'pro'. low kms serviced once or twice. Still looked great! same applies to the board. if a pro can ride it, so can you! $355 sounds like a good deal.  I wouldn't let any of my boards go for less than $700, seriously!


  2. That's a sweet gun but I'd also pass on it.

    There are some better deals to be had out there for $355. As far as the pro factor, their boards are definately made for contests. I think Slater or Irons said they all go through about 200 of those boards a year and the overhead isn't even that heavy at most of the contest sites.

    Find something that will last you awhile.

  3. Hey dude, in all honesty, most pro surfers boards look super hot, very skinny and s**y and covered from top to bottom with logo's etc. However, I learned the hard way all is not what it seems. Consider that most surfers get a helluva lot of free boards throughout the year and they're aimed at them winning contests on. As such, they are super light and the glassing (fibreglass) is really light and thin.

    What that means is that they are quite likely to snap or succumb to some serious pressure dings. So I reckon the short answer is, if you're a h**l hot surfer and really light on boards go for it. But if you're a mid range surfer I'd prob give it a skip and go for a board with slightly heavier glassing. Whilst that makes the board a bit heavier, it will last you a lot longer. Not that a huge wipeout won't snap it anyway, but I'm sure you get the picture. Hope that helps.

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