
Used to be funny, aren't anymore?

by Guest11077  |  earlier

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Hi, I have a problem. I used to be very funny, I could make anything/situation humurous, but, ever since about maybe a year ago, I'm just hardly even funny, everyday I attempt to be funny, but in the end, I look like a jackass who's trying to be funny, I HATE IT!!! I want my sense of humor back. By the way I turned 14 february 2008, and i've been funny ever since I could talk. Please help. Thank you




  1. never mind.  just be yourself.

  2. Avoid being superior, cynical and obnoxious.  Take a positive or dumb perspective and don't over dose.  Remember, it is a fine line between a funny joker, a jerk, a smart___ and an annoying joke box who does not know when to quit.

  3. People don't like funny business

  4. What a weird question.. I'll tell you what's the problem.. It seems that the old funny you was childish, now you have grown up, and you can't use the same style of jokes because even the people around you have matured..

    Like for example, 3 years ago I used to joke ALOT about women, but now, it doesn't work, no one laughs, it grew on people!

  5. you are feeling frustrated bcoz you are trying too hard...take it easy forget about being funny just react naturally and you'll be your ownself in sometime.its not necessary to be funny.accepting yourself happily is the key to happiness.and happiness leads to a beautiful you.

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