
Used to talk witha girl in the nights from 10:00to1:00 clock,she is interested in me,do u think she lovesme ?

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Used to talk witha girl in the nights from 10:00to1:00 clock,she is interested in me,do u think she lovesme ?




  1. Talk where chat , over the phone or in person?

    It all depends sometimes i talk to people over the phone online or in person just because i am bored...and i talk for hours  and i am not interested in them only as friends...

  2. Forget what we all think whether either of you love each other or not. Have personal meetings and talk to her face to face. Give to yourself and her some time after a few personal meetings. If able to know the positive response for each other, fine; otherwise have courage and ask her directly only if you love her.

    If either of you don't have mutual love, let the friendship stay on mutual consent.

  3. Yes......... this is

  4. Maybe.

    do u love her?

    why  don't you ask her?

  5. 50/50 .

    1)may be she loves

    2)she think that ek bakra milgaya bath karnekeliye

  6. yes.. she loves you .. but the love can be of any form (which you need to explore ;-)

  7. If you haven't met her in person, she probably doesn't love you.  Try getting to know her better, then you can see if there is love there.

  8. Interesting! Doesn't it sound so to you too!!

    You have been talking to her all these hours and asking all of us to think whether she loves you?! without even mentioning whether you love her or not??????

    Be practical, mature and down to earth. Meet her personally for a few times. Try to judge her liking for you from love point of you. Meantime, make up your mind whether you love her or not. If yes, and you are unable to make any judgement of her love for you, ask her the straight question. But stay mature if she says no for love.

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