
Useing the Internet at Work?

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Hi I use the Internet now and then at work but always delete my history and cookies useing the control panel. Can the Company see that I am useing the Internet for personal reasons and not Work? and how is this done. Can I avoid this?




  1. If your working from a terminal everything is logged.

  2. Yes they can if they wish to. Most large companies have the spy-ware already in place. And the facilities to ensure that you do not look at porno for example.

    However, some will allow a reasonable amount of personal surfing. Most will not permit personal banking using the company servers. Your company should have a written policy for all users. In fact, many will ensure you have seen it and ask you to sign to say so.

    Check it out. But don't put yourself on the back foot by surfing carelessly.

  3. the company can look up what you do online even if you deleate everything. they have their ways for this exact reason lol you can not avoid it either.

  4. Well, usually in schools and businesses they like to check that you are doing the right thing and not buying stuff or playing games. They have a certain software, but i do not know what it is called, where they can send messages to you telling you to get off something, or even take control of your computer and their mouse could control your mouse. They can even watch what you are doing.

    But, most computers in workplaces are all linked up to a network or 'intranet' where everyone have 'limited computers' where you can't check your internet history, or install something to your computer without the 'Network/Computer Administrators' permission. The Computer Administrator can do anything they want on their computer.

    Its a bit like your PC at home. You can have a username for everyone in your family but only one can be the administrator. Just incase one of the kids tries to install something with a virus.

    There is no way you could avoid it, unless you talk to your boss about it.

    I hope this helps. Good luck with your work.

  5. if your deleting all of your history and cookies there really isnt a way to tell unless they have another "master computer" logging all the websites.. but unless its a huge corporate thing, they wouldn't have them.

    they also have programs for computers to view exactly what your viewing, in real-time.

    but most smaller companies wouldn't have these things, and you would be, most likely, safe.

  6. hi,useing the internet good for is sources of history, knowledge and many more.

  7. yes they can.

    with out a doubt. doesnt matter what u delete of ur computer they can still track trace and see everything you enter.

    im assuming you work in an office and each computer has internet access.. this will be done via a server and the server will record every website and every detail entered on each computer.

    so long as ur not downloading p**n or visiting bomb making sites then u shud be safe. most companies wont mind what u look at so long as ur work gets done.

  8. Yeah they can.

    And it's likely happening if you sign an agreement for such.

    The intensity varies from company to company.

    One place I worked at used a keylogger at a central server.

    How you can stop it is in the air.

    Could be a simple as what you're doing, or to the point of getting a program on the machine to stop/vary any transmissions.

    Of course, alot of that is fireable.

  9. yes, they can see it.

    they can even observe your computer screen from a different monitor... dont break the internet rules at your job!

  10. Well yeah.  

  11. They might have like a computer guy who can see what your looking up. But ehh as long as its not p**n or anything "bad". Who cares?

  12. Tricky question to answer without knowing your employer and how they view this type of thing.

    If they are sneaky or really mean business, they could easily monitor what you are doing and deleting your cookies and history wont make any difference.  I recommend you read your employers policy on using the internet at work and comply with it, if they don’t have such a policy then request that they get one!

    Where I work I am allowed to use the internet during my breaks and before and after work for pretty much whatever I want, as long as it doesn’t involve pornography or anything that might damage the companies reputation.  They use a filter so some sites are blocked like gaming sites as well.  During the working day you are generally OK to use the net if it is work-related or for your own use as long as it isn’t interfering with your work, so a quick check of your share portfolio or the latest news is OK during quieter period etc.

    Don’t risk losing your job over something like this, just check with your employer.

  13. If there is a disclaimer that states "you have no anticipation of privacy" in a statement upon booting up than OH yeah baby! Big brother is watching!

  14. Some companies do control this very closely, some not at all. Technically, however, there is certain software that helps track people's internet usage and the types of site they go to. Depending on what employer you have, I wouldn't mess around.

  15. They will keep log files from the router and their servers. Nothing avoids this.

  16. It depends on the setup of the servers but if they have logging turned on they can see any sites that you look at.

    Most companies dont mind people using it in lunch hours or very light personal use.

    I would say stay off the p**n sites though most bosses dont like people looking at them :)

    I'm an IT engineer and I have been asked many times to produce internet usage reports and setup  blocks

  17. by deleting the cookies and history

    ur boss won't know


    he's checking what evry ones doing

    when ur doing ur personal stuff

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