
Useing the Scientic Method i have to figure out this question, What part of a pizza burns your mouth??

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Useing the Scientic Method i have to figure out this question, What part of a pizza burns your mouth??

i am doing a school projectt.




  1. The steps for the Scientific Method:

    1) Observation

    2) Hypothesis

    3) Experiment

    4)Analysis (support or reject hypothesis)

    5) New Hypothesis

    6) Experiment etc,,,

    Now if your teacher wants you to be detailed in all those steps, you'll need to take a piece of pizza, "observe" it first. What color, texture, smell etc. Then from your observations, form a hypothesis. Maybe the cheese seems to be the hottest b.c. it melted? So then you test it. Take a piece of cheese and put it on your mouth. Record your obervations. Then a piece of the crust..etc etc, If your initial guess (hypothesis) was wrong, you start over. I hoped that helped...

    and i think it's cheese..but I would test it.  

  2. I hope your hypothesis is that it's the cheese, because it's the cheese.

    I'd say heat up the parts of pizza separately and see which one gets hottest and stays hot for longest.

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