
Useless Facts?

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Looking for some random, useless facts. Not far any particular reason but just for some entertainment for me and my work friends.

Top answer to most bizzare one.




  1. your foot is the same length as your fore arm,,,,if you don't believe it take off your shoe and place the toe on your inner wrist the heel will be at your elbow!!!!

    Ginger cats are always male!

  2. you can just google weird facts

  3. Jack Nicklaus called his putter 'White Fang'.

  4. -carrots used to be purple

    -you burn more calories eating celery than there are in celery

    -a fear of long words is known as hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia

    -the worlds oldest piece of chewing gum is 9000 years old

    they're all pretty useless, methinks


  5. The average person sits at a red light for two weeks of their life

    I cant remember where I read it but I have always remembered  it

    Q.How far is up?

    A. Twice as far as half the distance

  6. try the link.

  7. George Bush is the president of the US

  8. try these

  9. If you eat takeaways regularly, on average you swallow 12 pubic hairs a year! gross!!!! i read it today!!

  10. It takes a 13 stone man, 7.08 seconds to hit the ground after leaving the top of Big Ben.

    There are not a lot of people that know that.

    (as quoted by Peter Sellers who was impersonating Michael Cain when interviewed by Michael Parkinson. Circa 1970's)

  11. most ginger people are left handed

  12. mermaids purses are actually shark eggs
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