
Useless midwife, is it too late to change for another?

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Hi all.

I have a bit of a nightmare midwife, who constantly forgets things. she Forgot to order my anti-d and i ended up having to go to the hospital for it. She promised to bring me some more support stockings, as mine got too small. She didn't. And today she was ment to come to my house for my check up (i'm on bedrest) and to give me my second anti-d dose, and guess what, She forgot!!!!!!!!. She never seems to answer any of my questions and often leaves me more worried after every appointment. I'm already 34 weeks, so is it not worth changing to another midwife?




  1. You can change at any time but at 34 I would just stay with her, but its completely your choice and you CAN change at any time.

  2. I changed at 7 1/2 months.  Change.  it will affect your birth experiance if you are not comfortable.

  3. You can get another midwife. You'll have to find one that's willing to take you so far along though, but it is completely worth changing to another one so that your birthing experience is as pleasurable as it possibly can be.  

  4. If you're not comfortable with your midwife you should switch to someone who doesn't forget about you.

  5. kinda makes you wonder if she will forget to show up for the birth!

  6. its never to late plus shes obviously too irresponsible to be handling a matter such as childbirth

  7. I would switch to another midwife. Because if she is that forgetful with simple task than what is going to happen when you are in labor and she forgets something major that could mean your babies life. This is not something simple, this is you and your baby that are at stake here. I am not trying to scare you, but you know more than any of us how she is, and by what you said, I myself would switch. You can have a Midwife that is both a midwife and a OBGYN. Mine was, and I had the best birthing experience I did it all natural and she even rub my back, when I was having back labor.   I have heard some really scary things about Midwives and I would just be more caution especially since she is like this already!

  8. If you are not happy with your midwife or Dr. It is NEVER too late to switch. You need to be happy/comfortable with who your Dr is, especially when it comes to pregnancy. It makes all the difference in the world. Good Luck.  

  9. I'd find a new one if I were you.  You don't have time for these reindeer games.  Considering you are on bedrest you really shouldn't have to put up with it.

  10. I'm 31 weeks and I switched doctors and clinics at 29 weeks.  I don't think it's ever too late to switch. ...but why didn't you switch earlier?  There must have been something about her that you liked.  Has she just gotten like this lately?  Perhaps it will blow over.  If not, I'd get a new one asap.

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