
Usian Bolt or Micheal Johnson?

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Which is the better sprinter/runner?




  1. obiviously bolth proved he's better  

  2. to me...

    michael johnson was the best of his time, and now Usain Bolt is the best of his time.. .

    if michael johnson had someone to push hm he could run faster..  and the same goes with Usain bolt.. .

    they are both the greatest runners of their times..  

    michael johnson revolutionised the sport.. and now Usain is doing the same...

    so as i said they are both the best of their times.

    johnson was best in the 1990's..  

    Usain the best in the 2008 +  

  3. Although Bolt broke Johnson's 200m record, Johnson's 400m record will have remained intact for 9 years on the 26th of August. Bolt would win in the 100m or 200m, but Johnson's WR 400m time is 2.1 seconds than Bolt's fastest time, so Johnson would win the 400m.

  4. MIcheal Johnson because he didnt use steroids

  5. Usian Bolt by far

  6. bolt by a long shot

  7. i still believe Michael Johnson, and yes i did watch both of Bolts races live but when i seen Johnson run u could tell that all the runners that he raced against had the upmost respect for him and thats what i will always remember about him.

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