
Using #'s 1,2,3 and 4 only.(READ DETAIL)?

by  |  earlier

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You can only use numbers 1,2,3 and 4. You can only subtract, multiply, and add. NO division. You CAN use exponents.

Example: 2(to the third power) + 4 - 1=11 Also I only need answers 1-50. Can you give me as many answers as you know or a website that has them please?




  1. For many of these there are multiple solutions. I have just listed the first one that came to me. When reading them don't forget your order of operations.

    0 = 4+1-2-3

    1 = 3-4+2*1

    2 = 4+2-3-1

    3 = 4+2-3*1

    4 = 4+3-2-1

    5 = 3+2*1^4

    6 = 3*2*1^4

    7 = 4+3*1^2

    8 = 4+3+1^2

    9 = 4+3+2*1

    10 = 4+3+2+1

    11 = 2^3+4-1

    12 = 2^3+4*1

    13 = 2^3+4+1

    14 = 4*3+2*1

    15 = 4*3+2+1

    16 = 4^2*1^3

    17 = 4^2+1^3

    18 = 4^2+3-1

    19 = 4^2+3*1

    20 = 4^2+3+1

    21 = 24-3*1

    22 = 24-3+1

    23 = 24-1^3

    24 = 24*1^3

    25 = 24+1^3

    26 = 24+3-1

    27 = 24+3*1

    28 = 24+3+1

    29 = 31-4+2

    30 = 32-4+2

    31 = 32-1^4

    32 = 32*1^4

    33 = 32+1^4

    34 = 31+4-1

    35 = 32+4-1

    36 = 32+4*1

    37 = 32+4+1

    38 = 42-3-1

    39 = 42-3*1

    40 = 42-3+1

    41 = 42-1^3

    42 = 42*1^3

    43 = 42+1^3

    44 = 42+3-1

    45 = 42+3*1

    46 = 42+3+1

    47 = 41+2*3

    48 = 3*4^2*1

    49 = 3*4^2+1

    50 = 13*4-2

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