
Using CF Card on Another Camera?

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Is it okay to use a CF card (with saved images) that I used with my Canon XT on my Sony A200?




  1. Sure you can ... although you will not be able to view them on the Sony.

    Just move your image files to your computer and format the CF card and start fresh.

    I use my CF cards on three different model Nikons ... because of the file naming syntax, I cannot view images shot on one camera with the other.  Actually there is no reason to view old images during a shoot ... using the LCD is only necessary when you are shooting in tough lighting or you have a nervous model who wants to see almost every shot.

  2. Hi Onesoren....  Not sure if you mean that you already saved the images someplace else or if they are saved on your card.     But if they are saved on your card and want to change the card from the Canon XT to the Sony, I am going to say no.  Your camera will not recognize the card.   I have tried moving a CF card from one camera to another and it does not work on the other camera until I FORMAT it to that camera.    If you only have one card and no way to save the pictures on it,  and you REALLY want those pictures but you have to use the card on the Sony.......  You should think about taking the card to a photolab or a pharmacy where they develop pictures.  Have them remove the pictures to a CD so they are safe and sound.    When you place the CF card in your Sony camera,  you will have to Format it so the Sony can read it.   You will have to repeat the process every time you change from one camera to another.


    I see two different answers here so that must mean two different experiences.    Your other answer mentions changing the card between Nikon brand cameras.  I was switching between  Canon and Nikon.  I guess you will have to test it out for yourself.  I don't think you will lose any of the image information to just try it.   If you see an error message saying "card error"  you will know then you have to Format from the Canon to the Sony.  I would be interested to know which way it worked!!  Thanks for reading.

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