
Using DNA to find out where your ansestors come from...?

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I have my dads DNA information, which was done to prove whether or not this girl was his daughter or not. Can I use this information in determining where his ansestors are from?

A 16 PCR system was used.





  1. You can download the free OmniPop database and enter the results their to get a generic match to general populations. Download OmniPop here:

    At they tell a little more about autosomal markers. "Autosomal Markers Panel 1 (General purpose autosomal STR panel) - Contains all 9 CODIS markers that can be used with the free OmniPop template for self-made Biogeographical interpretation.  This test can also be used for informal paternity, maternity and siblingship testing."

    For genealogy they use different markers than for paternal testing. I think it is a PCR amplification process but DYS values are only passed on to sons.

    The codis markers is what they usually use for paternity testing. If you have the values of the markers they did test you can go to and see if you can enter any of them. They can find a genetic cousin with just four matching markers and a surname match.

  2. You have to do a Y-Dna test for your male lineage - your father, you g-father, your gg-father and so on.

    For your female line you do a mitochondrial dna test, Mtdna,

    that gives your mother, her mother, her mother, her mother,

    and so on back. If you are male you carry your mother's Mtdna, and your father's Y-Dna. you will pass onto your children, only your Y-dna, not your Mtdna. If you are female you will pass on only your Mtdna.

    You can find out more if you visit a site that does testing, like

    I have had mine tested and it is very interesting.

    The company that did the test on your father may still hold the sample, they might also do testing for genealogical purposes, if they do, first check out their "after sales", against what other companies offer, that can be really important for what you can easily discover and your final satisfaction.

  3. The test that was done had to be an autosomal DNA test.  You get autosomal 50-50 from both parents.  It is what most of your DNA is.  Using it for genealogy is more complicated.  I understand Sorensen Molecular Genealogy Foundation is working toward doing just that.

    Autosomal is the only DNA that relates a female to her father or a male to his maternal grandfather or paternal grandmother.

  4. no, its a different kind of DNA test. What you have is a DNA finger printing used to trace people's identiy or immediate family. To check the ancestors, you do a mitochondrial DNA test.

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