
Using Duck for Mole?

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I have some duck b*****s and was wondering if I could use them in a mole recipe. I have a recipe using both chicken and turkey, I am not sure how duck would work.

Do I remove the fat from the breast? Or should I save the duck for something else? Not sure about this so any good advice would really help.




  1. OMG, you can TOTALLY use mole sauce for duck.

    We currently have duck breast with mole on the menu at a restaurant I work at. The fat is kept on so the guest can remove it at their discreation, but you can take it off.

  2. I have cooked duck, but never with a mole sauce.  Mole is a strong flavor and I personally thing duck is strong also.  I say go for it, the worse that could happen is you learn a lesson whether to do it that way or not.
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