
Using E85 gas in my 03 Explorer?

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I have a 03 Ford Explorer V6 I know that I can use E85, however I have put 60k miles on this car using 87grade gas. In order to completely switch to E85 should I do anything?




  1. Well first open the gas cap, then pay for the gas, then put it in. Thats all. Youll be all set.

  2. I don't recommend using E85 at this stage.  You will be disappointed in the performance and mileage..

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  3. you cant use 85 unless your car accepts will damage the pump and the seals in the fuel system.

  4. With a Ford Explorer, you can use E85 fuel if the 8th character of your VIN is a K.  See the first link to verify this.

    You should not need to do anything special before you use E85 if you have the right VIN number.

    However, there is one minor issue seldom mentioned about using E85.

    You have been running your Explorer on gasoline for 5 years.  Gasoline will build up a sludge in your fuel tank, fuel lines, and fuel injectors.  The ethanol in E85 will act like a strong solvent and clean all of this sludge from your fuel system.

    After running a tank of E85, you may find you need to change your fuel filter.

    The link below also lists places in your location that sells E85.  The second link should also be useful.  It gives the E85 price along with the gas price.  You will see a 20% reduction in fuel economy with E85 so you want to spend at least 20% less on E85 to break even.

  5. 03's were not built to run on E85. You could burn about 10% ethanol mix in that engine safely, maybe 20% but no more. Most regular gas has about 10% ethanol in it already I'm told.

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