
Using Electricity?- 10points to best answer?

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Light circuits usually have an 8amp circuit-breaker, and power circuits usually have a 15amp circuit-breaker.

1. What might happen if you put an 8 amp circuit-breaker in a power circuit?

2. What might happen if you put a 15 amp circuit-breaker in a light circuit?

3. Which mistake would be more dangerous? Why?




  1. an 8amp circuit breaker in a power circuit would cause the power circuit to blow because the limit is too low.

    a 15amp breaker on a light circuit would cause the light circuit to blow because the resistance is too great.

    number 2 could cause the light bulbs to break..

    (don't take my word on's been a long summer since i did physics.)

  2. ther is no 8amp breaker, the most that can happen if u put more amps in the athe breaker can handle is the breaker keeps switching off or if the wire is faulty may cause damage to you appliances or wireing i think i just awnsered number 3 also

  3. Circuit breakers open to cut off current flow when it gets too high.  If the current flow gets too high, an explosion is extremely unlikely (unless you work in a fireworks factory or something), but fire becomes a real danger.

    1)  As has been indicated, there's a pretty good chance you'd pop the breaker.  It's going to open to protect the circuit long before the circuit needs protecting.

    2)  Put a 15 amp breaker in lines rated for 8 amps and it will not open when it should.  It will allow almost twice as much current to pass through the wires than is safe.  The wires will likely overheat.  If you're lucky, they'll melt.  If you're not lucky, they'll catch something on fire.

    3)  In the first case, the power cuts off before it should.  In the second case, you may set your house on fire.  I'll leave the decision of which is more dangerous to you.

  4. I'm not sure, but I'll give it a try. You didn't say how much power the circuit is holding so I'll assume something bigger.

    1. The circuit-breaker is activated and there'd be no power.

    2. The light explodes.

    3. The light. Because it explodes. <_<

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