
Using PC4200 RAM on a PC5400 system?

by Guest66525  |  earlier

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Can I use PC4200 on a system that supports PC5400. I am upgrading the computer and I want cheap memory for 20.00 and I found a site where I can get PC4200 1GB RAM sticks for 9.99 and I am going to buy two and take the 2 512MB PC5400 RAM sticks out. I know it is stupid to go with slower speed but can I use slower ram in a system that supports faster?




  1. Yes, and RAM speed barely makes a difference in computer speed, even when playing games.  

  2. Yes definitely you can. Although I would recommend you gon in for a single 1 GB stick and when financial resources allow go in for another 1 GB, it will make a huge difference.

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