
Using Visa debit Cards in Egypt?

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Can you use Visa Debit Cards to pay for things in Egypt such as excursions?




  1. I am not 100% sure you can pay for excursions with your visa debit card but there are loads af ATM's where you can withdraw the required amount of cash i use my Visa debit card and there is only a very very small fee.

  2. ok I have experianced some difficulty in this area ...I have an american debit card with a visa symbol...but as it happens my bank in the usa prohibits use of the card in Egypt!!!!

    make sure you check with your bank befor eyou leave!!!

    And you will find many small shops that will not accept it or require minimum purchases. but it the tourist areas you will probably be fine. If you get into smaller cities, you may not find any place accepting them but Cairo, Sharm el sheikh, hurgada, alexandria for example have many stores that do.

    A note about the atms ... For debit cards it is a problem sometimes because they think your card is local and try to tell you have entered wrong pin, so if one atm gives trouble try to locate a citibank or barclays or CIB as these are more international.

    In the end, I had to call my bank and beg and then take my debit card to citibank and ask the teller inside to withdraw the money and charged me an additional fee of like 5$ plus the 4$ fee from my bank.

    After all of this I really wished I had brought cash.  Also if you really have problems, the american embasssy or your embassy can arrange for emergency transfers from your bank. but it should be avoided and they charge a big fee.

  3. Hi Lil, yes you can use your visa debit card in Egypt - but I would not advise you to, unless your really need to.

    Yes, there are many ATM machines in Egypt, but using these to get your money is a very expensive way of doing it. Your bank will charge you a lot just to draw the cash - in addition to using a low exchange rate.

    The same principle if you use it to buy something.

    I have travelled to Egypt many times, as well as living there, and I know from experience that it is better to exchange currency before you go to Egypt (no commission and very similar exchange rate as used in Egypt) then you are ready for when you get there - you dont have to search around looking for somewhere to exchange currencies.

    I always like to take my visa card with me as a back-up. But having used it once and discovering the expense of that when I returned home, thank goodness I have never had to use it again, LOL.

    Enjoy a wonderful time in Egypt.


  4. yes you can and there's a lot of ATM machines everywhere also :)

    hope you enjoy your stay in Egypt

  5. At large stores & malls u can certainly use visa Dr. Cards but in small shops u gotta have cash

  6. Where ever a credit card is acceptable your Visa debit card will be to.There are lots of banks with ATMs in all Egyptian cities and resorts, so you will have no problems finding somewhere to draw cash if the tour operator doesn't have a credit/debit facility.

    Where possible try and use the machines at a bank during the hours they are open it is a good safeguard against your card being "eaten" by the machine.

    If it should happen which is unlikely you can ask the manager to retrieve it for you ,usually you will get it immediately, but at least on the same day.

    I only saw it happen twice in 3 years of being a tour guide and countless times of using  the ATMs.

  7. You can use it in most shops and restaurants. There are ATM machines everywhere and you can withdraw from them. For excursions, it is different, they prefer cash money. But you can withdraw and pay them.

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