
Using a 52 gap wedge?

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I have a Volkey 52 degree used gap wedge.

The face has some nicks and wear and so age.

When I hit the wedge 50 yards or more, it flies straight and has a good trajectory. When the ball hits it peak it immediatly is seems to hit it's apex and looks as if the golf gods then drop or push the ball straight down.

IS this the cause of the club face being worn or the normal balll path from a volkey?




  1. You are seeing the ball "Turn over." When it is a larger club, the effect takes longer. The shorter clubs this happens much quicker. My assumption is that these shots have a slight draw too. Am I correct? If you want the ball to hang longer you need a little cut spin. Try to open the clubface, and come over the top a little. not a lot. a little. This should create some cut spin if executed properly.

  2. Are there any grooves on the face?  Its a wedge shot and has a ton of spin so yes after its apex its going to start to come down, unlike a driver which has much less spin(hopefully) and should level out and fly flat after reaching its apex!?!

  3. The trajectory which you described for the Volkey 52 degree wedge  is normal for the club. The degrees of the face elevate the ball in an abrupt manner and sails toward the target and then drops suddenly. This is due to the arc of the shot where gravity takes hold. The same is true for any wedge, not only the 52 degree one.

  4. The spin on these vokeys probably make it do that. If you say there's no age, it probably is fine. How are you hitting the ball anyway? More pinch will create more spin. These vokey's like to nail the green and stop.

    BUT... it could also be the the ball you are using.
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