
Using a breathalyzer what is the decimal that you can officially call someone drunk?

by  |  earlier

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if my friends are drinking and i want to use my breathalyzer to see if they are faking or not what decimal could i call them drunk and not faking it attt?




  1. .08 in most US states

  2. Legally your drunk at .08%

  3. .08 is legally drunk in most jurisdictions!

  4. According to the site below around .08% and .09% is when you start to loose control of yourself and act differently than how you normally would, such as loss of balance and slurred speech.

  5. for the united states, the legal limit is 0.08. If you're under the age of 21, then there's a zero tolerance law. This means that any trace of alcohol is over the limit.

  6. That depends upon what State you are in.  Some use 0.10 others 0.08.

  7. usually .08

    for minors legally its .02 or .01 in zero-tolerance zones.

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