I have some plans for a homemade incubator that im fairly confident will work. It's for quails.
I was just wondering, how many times a day should the eggs be turned? i have plans for a water tray, but does anyone think i will need to mist the eggs with water?
also, i didn't plan on having the eggs in any specific position.
is it vital to have the quail eggs small side down?
when i turn them, is it just turn them over to their other side?
i was planning on putting them in a day after being layed.
then taking out the water tray the day they were due to hatch or should i just leave them in the incubator? because i have designed it to double as a brooder
sorry for all the questions but i want to be as knowledgable as possible before i go through with this.
i hope someone can answer as many of these as they can :)
thank you so much :):)
p.s Will a 60 watt bulb work?
i will have backup bulbs of diff. watts and i do have a thermometer.