
Using a kickboard in my swimming excercise?

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I used to be on my high school swimteam about 5 years ago--and haven't really swam much since then. I love swimming for exercise so I recently starting swimming again. Yesterday, when I was at the pool I got out a kickboard, I put it in front of my with my arms straight out and began to kick--but I wasn't going anywhere very fast. What's wrong? I think I am kicking the wrong way or something...can someone give me some pointers before I go back tonight and completely embarrass myself again?




  1. you are either bending your knees or your toes are pointing at the bottom of the pool.  Toes should be pointed back at the wall you came from and the kick should use as little knew as possible (more from the hips).  One thing to try is to just kick from your ankles.  Another thing that may help is to lean your chest forward slightly so that your body has a more bouyant position.

    Good luck, hope this helped!

  2. use your kick board so it is in front of you. HEAD DOWN then roll to the side for your side breath.  HEAD DOWN creates buoyancy.  get into the habit of keeping yourin-lineinline

    also get a good pair of fins (like a slipper/shoe not to stiff, not the ones with the strap on the ankle) Time and practice it will take about 4 to 8 weeks to feel "strong in the water".  If you go three days a week:)

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  3. To kick effectively, you need to kick from your hips.  The knees only bend slightly as the legs need to be loose, not stiff.  Also the ankles flex as you kick allowing you to change the position of your foot.  Be sure that you are kicking up equal to the amount you are kicking down.  Balance is key and a shallow kick works best.  if you are splashing alot and getting nowhere that is because you are kicking too high and kicking air.  If you still have trouble, try doing it streamline to promote a better body position to get it right.  You can also use rubber not plastic flippers that go over the whole foot (like a sock)  This will help teach yu to keep your legs long and flex your ankles better.  They sell them at better sports stores or a Kiefer (you can order them online)  They run by shoe size and also, if you have narrow feet, the speedo ones work best.  If not TYR is better for average widths.  Good luck!  

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