
Using a valve spring compressor

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How do i use a valve spring compressor. It looks like a c-clamp, so don't tell me how to use a smaller one, but the bigger one.





  1. The forked end goes over the valve retainer, the flat end with the s***w goes against the valve face. Simply close the handle to compress the spring. You may need to adjust the width of the jaws to fit the retainer and adjust the length of the s***w to compress the spring the right amount. Sometimes it helps to gently tap the edge of the retainer with a hammer to loosen the keepers before compressing the spring.

  2. the forked end of it will go over the spring part and the solid will work on the valve ,you can only use this one if the head is off though,the  smaller ones work good if the head is still on the car,the c-clamps style though is the best one to use its safer and wont allow the springs to fly off,good luck.

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