
Using duct tape to make me look skinnier?

by  |  earlier

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i heard that many celebrities use duct tape to make themselves look skinnier on the red carpent....they wrap it around their stomach. so im trying that right now...then i put spanx the duct tape okay? my organs kinda feel smooshed up? is this ok/healthy...can i drink tonight?




  1. It does help with looking thinner, but before the tape, sprinkle baby powder over your skin, and if you have any use plastic wrap as a base. then you can duct tape to your hearts desire- just not too much or you could suffocate. then wear your spanx over it to make the lines of duct tape less noticeable.

  2. wear the spnax and then duct tape over the spanx...Listen, it DOES work...I have never ripped off skin..It's an illusion that works!

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