
Using the scientific method, especially step 4, please explain why there is such fanatacism for evolution?

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The concept is non-provable and non-repeatable! Has anyone ever created life or a new species? And had independent confirmation?




  1. Repeatability does not regard the process.  It regards the experimental method.  No one has created gravity, de novo, but graviational theory does not go out the window.  In experimental conditions, evolution has occurred.  The repeatable experiments have been reproduced.  Speciation has been observed in fruit flies, and independently confirmed.  As evolution does not concern the origin of life, merely the formation and competition of variations, creating life is irrelevant.

    Why is there such fanaticism directed at misrepresenting the science concerning evolution?

  2. > "The concept is non-provable"

    NOTHING in science is "provable". Science does not deal in proof - only in evidence.

    There is a virtual mountain of evidence in favour of evolution, and no evidence for any other proposed explanation. So the reasonable position is to accept evolution as the most likely explanation for the origin of the species of life that currently exist.

    > "The concept is non-repeatable"

    ??? I'm not sure what your objection is here.

    Firstly - much of evolutionary science is OBSERVATIONAL. You observe population genetics, you observe the fossil record, etc. You do not usually perform experiments manipulating these things.

    However, the observations ARE repeatable - and have been repeated many times.

    For example, antibiotic resistant "superbug" bacteria are becoming prevalanet in MANY different species of bacteria - C. difficile, S. aureus, M. tuberculosis, and many more. Each of these has evolved their resistance SEPERATELY.

    Every time a fossil is found matching an existing fossil, and is found in the same age of rock strata, this repeats and confirms the previous finding.

    > "Has anyone ever created life or a new species?"

    The creation of life has nothing to do with evolution.

    As for observing instances of speciation - here are a few examples:

  3. "The concept is non-provable"

    Wrong.  Evolution has been experimentally observed, and is considered fact.  The theory of common descent from evolution is an unprovable theory (just like ALL scientific theories, including the theory of gravity and germ theory) but the process/mechanism itself has been proven, so the conceptual basis is a proven fact.

    "and non-repeatable!"

    Wrong again.  It has been replicated in laboratory many times.  Here's one example for you -

    "Has anyone ever created life"

    Yes -

    "or a new species?"

    Yes again.  In addition to the Lenski E. coli experiment I linked you earlier, here's an entire list of observed speciation events -

    "And had independent confirmation?"

    Of course.  Here's are some more observed speciation events -

    Here's a good question, why are you being such a fanatic to try and disprove what is a scientific fact?  Organisms evolve - this is something we have observed and replicated, there is no getting around it.  The Theory of Evolution, like all scientific theories, has nothing to do with whether things evolve or not, it's about HOW they evolve.  Even if the Theory was proven completely wrong, it doesn't change the fact that evolution occurs.  It only means we don't know HOW it occurs.

    Theories are explanations of how, not questions of if it happens or not.

    Educate yourself and take an informed position, rather then simply believing whatever those with a political/religious agenda have told you.  They're lying to you and manipulating you, and you're falling for it.

    And just for good measure, here's another recent one for you -

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