
Using turn signals no longer "cool"???

by  |  earlier

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Has anyone noticed lately, that people on the road do not use blinkers? Does this annoy anyone else besides me? It's a common courtesy on the road, and yet it has gone by the wayside...




  1. It's not just a common courtesy on the road to use turn signals. It's a driver's legal obligation to use them.  Not using turn signals is just as illegal as running a red light or driving the wrong way down a 1-way street.  Breaking the law is breaking the law.  

    Not only is it dangerous for everyone around someone who fails to signal their intent to turn or to change lanes, I don't think I've ever seen anyone get pulled over for failing to signal, even when they do it right in front of a police cruiser.  

    If the police could somehow crack down on people failing to signal like they try to crack down on DUIs etc., I think you'd see a lot less people failing to signal in the future.

  2. YEAH, especially in anchorage, ak. people who don't use turn signals are douches. especially in the winter, people can easily rear-end the idiot who didn't use their turn signal. I FEEL YOUR PAIN!

  3. Not only is it 'un-cool', it is also illegal (in every state).  I NEVER make a lane change, 90 degree turn with out using mine.

  4. omg i totally know what you mean. this jackass didn't turn on his blinkers and my mom almost ran into him. what i think you should do is call the mayor or something or the cops and file a report and if the cops check those people they'll go 2 jail...hope this helps ;)

  5. It is not that they are no longer cool, it is the fact that they are just to

    hard to figure out how  to work them.

  6. radiculous!

  7. I know, I'm constantly screaming "NICE TURN SIGNAL A**HOLE"

  8. Thats a good way to cause road rage.

  9. It is also illegal!

    I drive a very big truck and always get cut off by little cars swerving over not using turn signals. One of these days I will plow over one!

  10. There are several driver-types when it comes to ignoring turn signals – Impulsive, Lazy, Forgetful, Swervers, Ostriches, Followers, and the Dare Devils.

    This is very aggravating to say the least........

  11. no some people think they're there for decoration

  12. omg, that's my pet peeve! people don't use them at all and they'll turn off of a highway out of nowhere or pull over in front of you real slow so you have to slam the breaks. it pisses me off.

  13. they are just lazy and proably on there cell phones not paying attention.

  14. what I notice is that a lot more people use them than not,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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