
Using your mobile while going through customs...?

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is it true that if you use your mobile while going through customs, that everything on it can be wiped? my mum got told this today at Dover by the person who checked her passport but it sounds to me like something they say to scare you. what do you reckon?




  1. No, not true

  2. You only encounter customs entering the country so I assume this is on your return to the UK.

    The person that checks your passport when you arrive is from the Border and Immigration Agency. It is a requirement when passing through Immigration that you switch your phone off but the only equipment they have is tool to read your passport - the chip (if its a new style passport), the bar code and ultra violet to check watermarks etc. Nothing that can damage a phone.

    After passing immigration you then usually have the three coloured channels Red, Blue or Green (aka Nothing to Declare). This is actually 'customs' and is run by HM Revenue & Customs. Its purpose is not to decide on your legitimacy to enter the country, but to check you are not bringing in contraband and that you are paying the correct duty (tax) on any items purchased abroad. They have access to other equipment including, if necessary, x-ray machines, but its pretty unlikely your phone will be subject to test. Its pretty unlikely you'll even see anyone from HM Revenue & Customs let alone be stopped and searched

  3. I take it that you mean the X-Ray machines rather than Customs. In which case, the answer is "no". Do you imagine the uproar there would be if people from all walks of life had their phone memories (not to mention PDAs, laptops, etc) wiped?

    They're designed to be safe in this respect, so don't manic. Anyhow, you have no choice whether to put them into the little blue box so you have no choice - just like millions of other people!

    My phones and laptops have gone through X-Rays more times than I can remember, and there's never been a problem.

  4. There is a very small (tiny tiny tiny) chance that it will, but really and truly, it should effect it. However, it would not make a difference if it was on or off to have this effect, so YES, they were trying to scare you. The best ways to wipe a phone are drop it in water, or expose it to an Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP). But X rays dont do that so its okay (Y)

  5. its more likely that your mobile would confuse their system so they are trying to scare you,the same as garages,there is no way your phone can cause a petrol fire no more than it can blow your house up due to a gas leak but it can make the pumps read wrongly.

  6. shes trying to scare u as she does not want u arrested for suspicious acts, e.g terrorism plots, bombings, theft etc.  

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