
Usining wifi and not my bb plan on blackberry 8320

by Guest11013  |  earlier

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Hi everyone, i have been searching around the net for a long time and couldnt find an answer.

I have a blackberry 8320 on the rogers network in canada. I have a blackberry plan (300 mb). I want to use the wifi on my phone to surf the net instead of my blackberry plan sometimes. I have my wifi turned on...can connect to the router (i see the SSID) but i am getting a yellow circle instead of a green check mark. When i try to use the browser it wont' work...says unable to connect and the wifi symbol is greyed out. Note I turned my data off when trying to use the wifi. When i have my data turned on the wifi symbol turns black and the browser i using my data plan though? Hope this isnt too confusing... :S

Im on a blackberry BIS plan for 300 much do most ppl use a month... i dont surf much, just use msn and a few programs?

Hope someone can help!!!!





  1. You do need to leave the Data Services set to On in order for Wi-Fi to work. In order to use just Wi-Fi for browsing you have to set the default browser to HotSpot Browser or Wi-Fi Browser in the Options > Advanced Options > Browser section. Once you do that it should only use data via Wi-Fi.

  2. Hi...Yes you can use the WiFi to connect to your router or any place that provide free internet access. Do you have a password key to access your router?

    If i was near your house with my laptop, I should not able to access internet using your router unless you give me a password key. this could easily be the case.

    Go to the nearsest BB store because some BB's are diferent than others.

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