
Usps gave my pakege to someone else ?

by  |  earlier

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what should i do i orderd a car part on the internet i looked at the tracking conformation and it said it was already deliverd i know the mail man didnt bring it becase i checked every time the mail man came i was at home for the whole last week so i know he didnt bring it i evan memorized what time he got there i called and they said they whould see what they could do can i take any legal actions




  1. Call the Post office and file a "lost/rifling Report", which is a form letting them know the package has been stolen.

    They'll send an inspector around.  Stealing mail is a serious offence.

    I think the form number is 1509 or 1510.

  2. check to be totally sure that they did not "leave notice" for you to pick up at the post office.  they did that to me, not long ago, and I never saw the notice.  

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