
Utmost concern when travel to other countries...?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to find out what is the utmost concern when you travel to other countries. (budget? accommodation?...)




  1. HEALTH ... prsnl safety ..budget ,,,,etc..

  2. safety and diseases.

  3. It depends where you are travelling to and what your budget is.

    1.  Health: do you need vaccinations?  Take a small first aid kit with you appropriate for the country you are visiting.  

    2.  Budget:  what is your daily budget for all expenses (incl Accommodation, Food, Leisure)?

    3.  Finding the right accommodation is very important and is largely down to the size of your pocket.

    4.  Personal safety:  don't be frightened to venture out and get involved with local activities, but also be vigilant.

    Other than that, relax and enjoy your break away.

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