
Utorrent RSS question?

by Guest66170  |  earlier

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I finally managed to setup an RSS feed in utorrent, but there is only one problem that stands in my way from being completely happy. Is there any way that I can limit the size of files downloaded by the RSS feed?

I went on vacation and left my utorrent on to download all of my favorite tv shows off of the RSS feed. When I came back, I found out that the computer had downloaded a 40 gig pack and my hd ran out of space. Is there anyway to limit the filesize?




  1. hey i was also interested in this and how to take a specific torrent file from a rss feeder so i did some search and i found this

    To automatically download specific torrents from a feed, you can use Favorites to specify your own filters to grab torrents. It does NOT support regular expressions. Here's a tutorial explaining the various options and how to use them (with examples).

    Hit Add, then type the name of the filter.

    Click on the editbox next to Filter: and add your filter. The allowed wildcards are * ? and |. An example of a filter you could use would be *MP3 Archives*

    If you have a strange feed using underscores or something besides periods, you can also try something like *Go?Open*

    You cannot specify the season or episode number in the filter if it is decoded by µTorrent (check the Releases tab): you must use the episode number box, OR turn on "Filter matches original name instead of decoded name." You also can't match by group name without first using "Filter matches original name instead of decoded name." Remember, using "Filter matches original name" disables the "Episode number" function!

    Not: allows you to exclude certain strings from matching. An example is you don't want releases with AC3 audio and H.264: you can write *AC3*|*H*264|*x*264* in Not: to exclude those.

    If you want the torrents to automatically download and start without any further input, you MUST specify a folder in Save in:! However, if you have a path set in "Put new downloads in:" in Folder Options, you don't have to set a save folder here.

    Feed: chooses what feed you want the filter to apply to; either all of them or a specific one

    Quality allows you choose various qualities to match against, or allow all. You can choose more than one quality in the dropdown list.

    Episode number is to download only specific ep numbers, say to avoid releases of old episodes. It does support ranges (i.e. 1x4-26).

    "Filter matches original name instead of decoded name" is so that you can match based off what the original name is in the feed, instead of µTorrent's parsed result.

    Give download highest priority sets all torrents downloaded automatically through RSS to the top of the queue, making your seeds and other downloads get queued if you reach the max active torrents.

    Smart ep. filter makes µTorrent only download the first version of each new episode that matches your filter. Do NOT turn this option on if the episode number isn't parseable (shows ? for all episodes)!

    Minimum interval sets a minimum interval between matches for the filter: if you set it to 2 days, µTorrent will not download anything for at least 2 days after a match.

    You can use the Reset button to make µTorrent forget that it has downloaded episodes and the last time matched for that filter.

    Label for new torrents auto-sets a label for torrents that match the filter.

    All changes are automatically saved when you make them, so you don't have to do anything once you're done editing the filter.

    You can select a filter and press ? to see what the last four episodes were that matched, and the last time that the filter matched something. A list of the currently matching episodes from the feeds you've defined for it is also available in the "?" dialog, so you can double-check your filter expression.

    i hope it helped

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