
Utterly confused multiple results...very concerned

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Well...I took a test 2 days ago got a little bit of a 2nd line. I was really excited until the next day when I got a big fat negative, no line at all..well being dissapointed my hubby and I got a few more tests the 1st one last night had a light line..this morning I took a E.P.T digital said not pregnant but the weird thing was is that on the test strip its self it had one bold blue line (which is the one that shows it works and on the left side before the bold one was another softer blue line..I am confused as heck! lol Everyone says I am not and that if I was the lines would be bolder. I am concerned..My next period is on the 18th. Should I wait and test again then?

I have a picture of last nights test. I had to make it a negative so you could see the line going down the test better due to the fact it faded somewhat overnight. Its hard to see, thats why everyone says its negative.




  1. In all honesty, it could go either way.  Have you been taking the tests in the morning right when you get up?  That is when the hormones are at their highest and less likely to give a false reading.  Are you waiting at least 5 days past your missed period?  If you continue to get muddy results and you miss your next period, I would go to the doctor and have them do a test.

    Good luck!

  2. I would order a blood test just to make sure.   I have had 3 negative test, and am 3 weeks late.  I go for my blood test today.

  3. I hate to say it, but the 2 lines on the digital test mean nothing :(

    Take a look at this site, it is a mine of amazing information , best of luck and Baby Dust to you :-)

  4. Wait and retest in a week. Good luck! baby dust!

  5. When I knew I was pregnant I started taking tests.  I got light positives on dollar tree tests and the cheapest tests at Walmart.  Then I bought the expensive early predictor tests and they came out negative.  But I knew I was pregnant anyway and figured I was already 4 weeks so I made an appointment when I was supposedly 9 weeks.  I found out at my first ultrasound at 13 weeks, that I wasn't that far, I was only 10 weeks so I actually got a positive pregnancy test at a week to two weeks pregnant.  So I would wait until Monday and take the cheapest test you can find.  I think those are more reliable then those expensive ones.  

  6. A second line will NEVER show up unless a woman is pregnant! A hormone that's in your urine is the only thing that will make that appear, so yes, you are probably pregnant!

  7. I wish you all the baby dust in the world but the same thing happened to me and I wasn't PG. It's called an evaporation line and it come's up after 10 min. If it came up right away then it's a different story. I hope all turns out well! Good luck.

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