Question: :-/?

by Guest66559  |  earlier

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I live in a small town.... I go to university in this small town, so this is where my life is supposed to be for something like... the next 5 years or maybe even more..

Now, the problem is that I don't really fit with the people over here... in fact, I think that even by being around them, I make them feel bad about themselves... since I'm not part of their little "teams" and everything... So... I do feel like everyone here pretty much hates me, and sometimes I fell like I'm "hunted".... and "not wanted" and stuff like that... They treat me bad... and I feel so alone... there are times when I just feel like "breaking", starting to cry, just to feel better.

And I really don't know how to deal with that stuff... it's like... I'm some sort of "outsider" to their little, narrow-minded community and all that ****...

I really don't know how to deal with it. Any suggestions?




  1. hang in there ,this is the way it is everywhere but you will make friends sooner or later

  2. First of all, stop assuming.  You're guessing what these people feel, and probably based on just a few experiences or comments.  Also, it's not fair to assume that *everyone* in the town shares the same feelings.

    As you noted, this is a small town.  These people probably aren't used to change or unusual stimuli.  So if you're different from what they are used to, of course they will feel a little threatened by how that change might affect their lives.  It's up to you to show them that "different" doesn't have to mean "bad" - this is probably the most important thing you'll learn in college or in life.

    Give yourself three to six months.  Make every effort to be kind to these ignorant, inexperienced people.  Reach out to them and try to understand them and see the beauty in their ways.  Join their teams and make yourself known (in a good way, of course).

    Maybe at the end of six months you'll realize they really are just hateful, stupid, cruel people, but at least you will know you gave it your best shot.  Consider it a research project - at least you will learn something you didn't know before.

    Then, if you decide to transfer schools, move away, go on a year abroad, or just bury yourself in your studies to avoid these people, at least you will know you are doing it for the right reasons.

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